Tomi Salami | Full Stack Developer


Break Into Tech

Where do you currently work and what is your job title?

My current role is Full Stack Developer at Wavy, which is a tech company that helps businesses manage their remote teams and company culture.

How would you describe what you do every day in your role?

In a nutshell, I work with our CTO and Product Designer to design, break down, implement and ship user-facing technologies. Work consists of writing new features in the Rails backend in Ruby and in React front end in JavaScript. Also, I help with prototyping and building proof of concepts to validate new features.

What motivated you to break into tech?

During my master’s program (Innovation and Entrepreneurship), I became fascinated with the various aspects of tech that go beyond what we see on our screens and became interested in learning how to contribute in a practical way to the projects and teams that influence the way we live.

What did you do before your current job?

In university, I was a business major and my previous work experience was in sales and operations. My last job before my tech role was as an operations associate for a bank.

What was your level of tech experience before enrolling at Skillcrush?

Before enrolling at Skillcrush and choosing the Developer Fast Track, I had a beginner level introduction to HTML, CSS, and JS. I enjoyed the intro course but quickly realized I would need a course that gave me practical experience and would help with building a portfolio. Luckily I came across a Skillcrush post on Linkedin and the rest is history.

What advice do you have for other Skillcrushers?

Understand ‘why’ you want a career in tech because you will need a great motivator to get through the tough days. Learning a new skill or changing your career is never easy and you need something that sufficiently motivates you to get to whatever finish line you set for yourself.